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Five Business Tactics That Will Help You Fight Your Path Towards Success

It is said that you should make your brand famous enough that you are recognized by your brand name and not your brand by your name. Business and brand should be an independent entity and should also continue with or without your personal presence. So it will be like your brand will be your source to stay alive forever in the eyes of the world. To make such famous and successful brand there are many things that have to be done but there are a few basic tactics to market your product and brand in the market. Those tactics are as follows:

  1. Find your USP (Unique Selling Proposition):

Every business must have one innovation in its procedure or approach to differentiate from your competitors, find or invent one USP for your business and try to base the whole marketing campaign on that innovation. People nowadays need something upgraded or new. So either come up with an upgraded product or invent one. A smart businessman is one who understands the demand and acts but a genius businessman is one who makes the demand for the supply of the product he has. Whether its price or quality, whether it’s something unique or something that is patented, make your competitive edge the center of attention in your marketing techniques. Use it to your advantage and speak to consumers who are interested in the benefit it provides.

  1. Make local consignment deals:

This concept is becoming more acceptable and famous because it is successful marketing tactic that is cheap yet effective. Consignment deal is the strategy to overpower your competition not by eradicating them but by co-existing them and making customers know why they should choose you and not your competition. In this, you ask the local dealers who deal in the same niche or similar goods to keep your product on the shelf and pay once the products are sold not before that. So all you ask is a shelf and a bit of positive word of mouth to market the product in the cheapest way possible plus an additional sale. So you not only make a profit but make people be your agent and convince dealers to trust you more than that of the competition.

  1. Build a strong virtual presence with value addition:

Not just market your products but also do something extra, people love when they get something new and something valuable apart from the information about the product. Try to introduce the application of the product like the application of the beauty products or how you can use the product at its best, like the Nutella does by giving a recipe to use the product at its best. Think of something unique and come up with something that adds value to your product and also helps you create an impression in the mind of your customers as an expert in your niche.

  1. Explore influencer Marketing Possibilities:

Influencer marketing is one of the best for of marketing to get relative and faster brand recognition amongst your niche, all you need to do is finds a suitable influencer who has the best group of followers from which most of them are your potential leads and ask them to market your products. But remember influencers are not your regular sales approach, make it a win-win deal and create some value to the influencer too. Influencers are always interested in the growth of their follower base so plan something unique. Also, create some exclusive coupons or schemes for the followers of the Influencer so that they will be prompted more.


  1. Split test your ads:

Marketing is a bunch of activities and should be kept the same way. Don’t rely on one marketing activity and even if you like the alternative, don’t leave any stone unturned as you never know when you get a better option. So plan your marketing activities accordingly and even at the time of the application of the strategy apply the best and the second best also in the beta stage or initial level. See which performs better in the market and then replicate the one which makes maximum impact in the mind of the potential customers.

Above were the basic tactics that can help you market your new product amongst your customers in the best manner.

Devang Vasani

Devang Vasani is a Passionate Digital Marketing Professional and a Content Writer. He has unique way of thinking from the view point of benefits of the end client and has based all his research and content on the same principles. He loves to deliver useful information on different niche and link them to output in Digital and Inbound Marketing.

Published by
Devang Vasani

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